- Business Detail


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Phone: 0407 132 565

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PO BOX 945
Gympie, QLD, 4570
Email: admin@royalseatinghire.com.au
URL: http://www.roayalseatinghire.com.au
Description: We specialize in the hire of Australia's only hydraulically operated Mobile Grandstands. They have been designed, certified and manufactured locally here in Australia by qualified engineers and certifiers. Catering to a range of events, our Mobile Grandstands are made specifically to seat large quantities of people with ease and safety. All of our units have been engineered to the highest standards and we have also placed a strong emphasis on comfort for our clients. They have also been designed to be easy to operate which means that our team can quickly and effortlessly deliver and setup our Mobile Grandstands at your site. You wont need to do a thing other than tell us where you want them placed. Our equipment is also backed by an exceptional customer service team. Our professional staff members have many years experience in the events industry providing a range of services and equipment, from catering to event management. We know how difficult it can be to organize suppliers for events and we guarantee that seating for your next event will be provided to you in a hassle-free and reliable manner.
Operation Hours: 7 DAYS A WEEK
Payment Info:
Business Specialty: SEATING SYSTEMS

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