- Business Detail


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Phone: 1300 36 22 33

Fax: 07 3009 0518
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Level 22/127 Creek Street
Brisbane, QLD, 4000
Email: info@collaborateaustralia.com.au
URL: http://www.collaborateaustralia.com.au
Description: Collaborate Australia provides independent cost-effective alternative dispute resolution services for individuals, businesses, community organisations and the government. The company applies specialist knowledge and experience in achieving mutually beneficial outcomes for all parties - whether resolving conflict or advancing shared visions. Collaborate Australia helps people preserve and enhance their relationships; resolve disputes and manage conflict situations no matter how advanced the issues are; provides practical communication strategies and skills; and facilitates difficult conversations across a wide range of industry sectors and situations. Services include mediation, negotiation, facilitation and non-legal advocacy. We offer a range of solutions from short-term assistance to resolve one-off issues to acting as long-term partners when collaborating on large projects and community outcomes. Mediators are accredited members of the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia and are governed by its code of conduct. We provide cost-effective dispute resolution services with a high success rate. Our professional staff help people solve problems fast; preserve and improve relationships; assist businesses to collaborate with service providers in their industry for financially rewarding results; maximise strategic relationships in franchising systems; develop collaborative practices within organisations to reduce risk and improve performance; help communities and government to work together for successful outcomes; and facilitate difficult conversations. We service South-East Queensland and the Sunshine Coast areas. Our friendly staff provide old-fashioned customer service and helpful practical advice within a confidential environment.
Operation Hours: Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm Weekends & After Hours
Payment Info: Cheque, DirectDeposit

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