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Description: | The 7 Steps to Freedom from Smoking Cigarettes and Nicotine Cravings STEP 1 – Recognise and acknowledge openly that you sincerely want to quit smoking • Imagine being able to taste food again so that tomatoes and lettuces actually have flavour. Imagine being able to sit through an entire movie or a plane flight without feeling like you will die and craving a cigarette to tame your cravings for nicotine. • Imagine not having to go through "Quitter's flu", the term used to describe the phase of smoking cessation because nicotine withdrawal symptoms often mimic a cold or a mild case of the flu. • Wouldnt it be great not to have your mind playing tricks on you and trying to dominate your thoughts making it imperative that you light up? Think about not having mood swings and lack of concentration. Consider not feeling the emptiness, agitation, stress, self-pity, and the general crankiness and feeling of heaviness that usually goes hand in hand with quitting. • How would you like to quit without the nicotine withdrawal symptoms you get when craving a cigarette, you know the symptoms …. insomnia, feeling tired and zapped, the inability to concentrate, headaches, the cough and sore throat, constipation, sour stomach and gas, dry mouth and the tightness in the chest, not to mention the shaking, sweating or feeling very cold. It has been said “procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried”. Once you have bathed in the Sea of Knowledge about quitting smoking and fail to act NOW, your procrastination will lead you to another grave, and opportunity will be buried alongside you, literally. It is time for change. You have put off giving up smoking for some time, and you have finally determined that NOW is the time for you to quit smoking. You are firmly convinced that you do not want to smoke anymore. Welcome to Step 2. You recognise that you sincerely want to quit smoking. Congratulations. But what do you do now? Where can you get the help to quit smoking by yourself? Who has the knowledge and wisdom to support you and advise you about the most beneficial steps to take? STEP 2 – Buy the e-book “No More Cravings Quit Smoking Program - Quitting Smoking Need NOT be as Traumatic as is Commonly Assumed” for $47 AUD To have someone do all the quit smoking research required for you to quit successfully would normally cost you around $48,000 (I should know, that's what it cost me!). I discuss everything that you need to know to quit smoking easily. There are numerous insightful facts that will help you get the upper-hand over your nicotine-addiction. Buy the e-book that will change your life, and grant you the freedom that you truly deserve. The investment of $47 AUD will effectively allow you to bank $45,000 over the next ten years if you currently smoke 20 cigarettes per day, according to Australian figures as of April 2011. STEP 3 – Set a dedicated “Quit Date” Go ahead and mark it on your calendar. This is a very important step because you are confirming that you are truly ready to take control of your life and be free from the horrid debilitating and disempowering enslavement to nicotine addiction. You must not enter this step, that is Step 3 blindly and uninformed. Overcoming a nicotine addiction is not without a reasonable degree of stress unless you are prepared. If you accurately know what you may go through, it will not come as a surprise, and you will be well prepared for the symptoms you may feel, as your body rids itself of the accumulated toxins and addictive nicotine. Allow enough time to purchase the 4 craving-suppressant supplements and take them religiously every day so that your mastery over your addiction is assured. It is generally accepted that after 10 consecutive days of having no nicotine entering your system, you are no longer physiologically addicted to nicotine. Ten days of mild discomfort is not that bad really when you consider that the reward will be freedom and an inner peace knowing that you have regained control of your life. STEP 4 – Take the questionnaire to determine your personal smoking “triggers” Complete the 39 questions in the included questionnaire and follow the simple instructions on the “How to Score” page to determine your personal “triggers” that provoke your smoking episodes. Knowing these triggers will make quitting more easy for you than you thought possible, because you can concentrate on your personal enemy that you were most likely unaware of. You will have the power now to efficiently remodel your smoking trigger behavior. Soon, after a little effort, you will be in charge of your destiny. How would that feel? Note that some smokers state that they have “cravings” for years. This is simply not true. They actually have situation-related yearnings and not true cravings. They were not made aware of their personal triggers that initiated their cravings for a cigarette. Unfortunately, because of this ignorance, they have not reprogrammed their mind and modified their behavior and response to their deep seated former rituals associated with their smoking behavior. To truly quit smoking without future cravings it is absolutely critical to determine your triggers associated with your smoking behavior. This is a very personal behavioral pattern and no two smokers are the same. Smokers take a long time to develop their personal smoking patterns and rituals related to the numerous events that occur on a daily basis, and these are subsequently deeply entrenched learned behaviors. To quit without cravings due to these “ghosts” appearing due to cultivated patterns and entrenched association with smoking, new wholesome associations with daily events must be reconstructed. If you skip determining your triggers, you are planning to fail, or at least you are making your quit process much harder that it need be. Rightly, it has been stated “if you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail”. Remember and take to heart that “quitting need not be as traumatic as is commonly assumed”. Do yourself a big favour and from the questionnaire determine what your major “triggers” are and then proceed with Step 5. STEP 5 – Based on your “triggers” review the relevant Management Plan (MP) Chapters This step is a no-brainer. Once you have determined your major “triggers” from Step 4 any score higher than 9 is worthy of attention and must be addressed. From the “How to Score” Table you are directed to the appropriate Chapter that discusses that “trigger” in detail. Review the Management Plan chapters that pertain to your major triggers. Most smokers score high on 2 to 5 triggers. Dont be surprised if you score high on up to 7 different triggers. It happens occasionally. Concentrate only on those triggers in the Chapters dedicated to your triggers, and make a list of the changes you need to make so that you optimise the time it takes you to quit smoking and be finally free from enslavement to nicotine cravings. Remember, this whole process is for you, so dont take short cuts or you will be sabotaging yourself, and why would you want to do that? STEP 6 – Purchase the 4 inexpensive craving-suppressant supplements Purchase sufficient of the 4 craving-suppressant supplements from the supermarket so that you have enough supplies for 60 days. They reduce craving in four different biochemical ways. You should be able to quit smoking within 30 days, but these supplements will keep you free from cravings to ensure that relapse does not occur. It takes only ten days for the physiological addiction to nicotine to have completely abated. That is really a short time isnt it? Keep taking the supplements as directed for a full 60 days to eliminate cravings and ensure your success in quitting. STEP 7 – Read the e-book and apply the suggestions as you remodel your behavioral patterns Some gems of wisdom I discuss in the e-book include the following: • Smokers smoke to feel “normal” – I discuss how smokers can feel “normal” again without nicotine. It is your turn next, so get used to it. • The “fear of failure to quit” issue is the THIRD most important reason that smokers continue to smoke – I demystify the “fear of failure to quit” and show how you can gain the upper hand. • I am the only researcher that knows about 7 secret supplements that reduce 4 different aspects of your nicotine-cravings to make quitting easy. Four of these supplements are inexpensive, readily available and very powerful. • I suggest dietary advice to squash your cravings and prevent anxiety, short tempers, irritability and mood swings, so that you will handle quitting more easily than you thought possible. • AMAZING! Discover in a matter of minutes how to determine what your smoking "triggers" really are without having to lay down on a couch at the Psychologists office for session after session. • I provide your personal Management Plan which assists you to overcome those craving triggers, and helps you stay quit as a non-smoker, and helps prevent relapse. • 7 tips and tricks for overcoming stress and tension that often trigger craving episodes that make you want to have a cigarette. Smoking as a crutch for tension reduction is the number one reason that smokers smoke. Did you know that? • REVEALED! The hidden truth behind why a mature adult like you has lost control of your life and freedom due to a tiny stick of addictive leafy substance that has sabotaged your future. • I discuss how “A true knowledge of ourselves is knowledge of our power”. Once you know your “triggers” you will be empowered to Quit Smoking easily. • STOP weight gain – Following the information about diet in the book and applying suggested lifestyle changes and exercise will prevent surplus weight gain. • Every one of the suggestions, recommendations and methods discussed in this e-book are practical, practicable, safe and effective and are proven to work when applied. • I discuss simply the psychology of smoking behavior – “First we form habits, then they form us”. I discuss the perverted “reward” system involved in smoking that smokers are generally unaware of, and thus you will see that smoking is a dirty manipulator. • Gender differences – I discuss gender differences in why men and women smoke and the differences involved when men and women quit. Researchers have found that there are two weeks of the month when women should NOT attempt to quit smoking. I discuss that. • Oops! What if you do slip up and have a few cigarettes? I discuss what to do and how to handle the situation should you have a relapse and take up smoking again (temporarily), so that you realise that you are NOT a failure. You are having a “toddler” experience. If you find that you are struggling with cravings in spite of completing the above steps then consider having a course of acupuncture treatment to augment your quit-smoking program. Make sure the acupuncturist is traditionally trained and not a doctor, chiropractor, masseur or physiotherapist that has “done a course” for a few days or even a few months. The acupuncturist that you chose should be recognised by the acupuncture regulatory body in your country, which generally means at least a three year full time tertiary course. All acupuncturists have different treatment systems that they have developed over the years, and they are generally more successful at assisting smokers to quit than any other method. It would be wise to have two treatments each week for the first two weeks and then one treatment per week for the next two weeks. The small cost of the acupuncture treatment will pay you back massive dividends in the years to come. If you smoke 20 cigarettes per day you will save $4,550 in one year of not smoking, so spending some of those funds on acupuncture would be a very sound investment financially, but more importantly, for your future health and well being. Regards, Louis Gordon | |||
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Business Specialty: | ACUPUNCTURE | |||