- Business Detail


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Phone: (02) 9973 1718 / 0408 251440

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201 Riverview Road
Clareville, NSW, 2107
Email: contact@colonialplantationshutters.com.au
URL: http://www.colonialplantationshutters.com.au
Description: Start your own business making Plantation Shutters. We offer an efficient and easy way to make Cedar Plantation Shutters at a substantially lower cost than other mainstream producers. We have developed a low overhead system suitable for woodworking enthusiasts wanting a safe way of getting into their own rewarding business. With our cleverly designed package of specialty tools, jigs and templates, you can turn your garage or small workshop into a high return business making Plantation Shutters. We help you set up your own business quickly, easily and confidently, with ongoing support for a long established opperator. The same system is used in our own business, making high quality shutters for a market that's looking for a more competitively priced product. Contact us for a free Information pack.
Operation Hours: Mon To Sat: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Payment Info: Cash, Cheque, DirectDeposit
Business Specialty: SHUTTERS

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